DATAWO in high schools!



During the last two weeks, DATAWO visited schools, in order to inform and raise the awareness both in students of B ‘and C’ High School, and educators about the forms of gender-based violence in the digital age, the legal framework it covers, as well as ways prevention and protection. The project ‘Visits to schools’ was born in 2016 by ChildAct and we are very happy that it continues and operates currently by DATAWO.

We warmly thank the Headteacher and the Educators’ Association of the 5th General High School of Veria for the invitation and for the opportunity they gave us to make real one of our purposes, to inform students and educators about the gradation of gender-based violence in the digital space and its impact on the enjoyment of fundamental human rights.

Education contributes significantly to the replication and respectively to the adaptation of gender stereotypes. The school environment is a microcosm of society, as it educates and socialises students, while plays a key role in creating an evolving society.

In addition, the two main pillars of the education system are, on the one hand, the education and training of basic skills and knowledge, and on the other hand, the emotional and social development of children. In theses terms, the school can function to a large extent as a factor of prevention and treatment with the active participation and cooperation of all, directly and indirectly, involved in the phenomenon of gender-based violence.

As such, the main priority of the educational community must be the formation of new healthy social models that will eliminate the phenomenon of gender-based violence in the society. No tolerance for gender-based violence! DATAWO supports this effort by sharing its knowledge and experience i the field.

Stay tuned for our next actions!

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